
What is Counseling in Addiction Treatment

Benefits of Group Counseling in SUD Treatment

Groups provide positive peer support and pressure to abstain from substance of abuse.

Groups reduce the sense of isolation that most people who have substance use disorders experience.

Group enable people who abuse substance to witness the recovery of others.

Groups help members learn to cope with their substance abuse and other problems by allowing them to see how others deal with similar problems.

Groups can provide useful information to clients who are new to recovery.

Groups provide feedback concerning the values and abilities of other group members.

Groups offer family-like experiences.

Groups encourage, coach, support, and reinforce as members undertake difficult or anxiety-provoking tasks.

Groups offer members the opportunity to learn or relearn the social skills they need to cope with everyday life instead of resorting to substance abuse.

Groups can effectively confront individual members about substance abuse and other harmful behaviors.

Groups allow a single treatment professional to help a number of client at the same time.

Groups add needed structure and discipline to the lives of people with SUDs, who often enter treatment with their lives in chaos.

Groups instill hope and a sense that "if she can make it, so can I."

Groups help client identify community resource and barriers to recovery.

Group encourage individuals to access and build on their recovery capital.

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