
Healing For Drug Affected Families


If you are looking for addiction counseling or treatment,Duarehabhouse is here to help you and your entire family find healing.

Addiction is a painful illness that affects the entire family. Alcoholism,and drug addiction can destroy the addict’s health,family, and livelihood. However, we know there is hope for recovery.

We’ve been serving families with alcohol and drug treatment for more than 20 years, and we’re ready to help your family, too. Family involvement in treatment aids in healing family relationships; it also provides the support needed to improve the addict’s chance of successful recovery.

Addiction can cast a wide net of pain and confusion. Families and others in a relationship with the addict are particularly at risk and often feel lonely, frustrated or distraught. We offer services for individuals of all ages who want to have healthier relationships and happier, more satisfying lives.

If you’re ready to give yourself a Chance to Change, call us at
(021) 34825888-9