Family addiction therapy Program

Family addiction therapy Program

At Dua Rehab we suggest to all clients that they involve their families in family addiction therapy, loved ones and anyone who has been directly affected by their addiction or alcoholism. Even though we are located in Karachi it is still possible to have family addiction therapy. We do this in many ways, but one way is very affective, the family feedback questionnaire. In addition family addiction therapy can include Skype calls and emails.

Understanding family history maybe helpful with clients experiencing deep shame, confusion, or anxiety as a result of seeing themselves repeat negative behaviors from their in childhood. It may also be useful in family therapy, since many individuals are from families where addiction and alcoholism is prevalent. For clients struggling with acceptance and forgiveness family addiction therapy may help in understanding their problems. It may also be useful for clients who have parenting issues in recovery to understand the roots of their children’s behaviors.

It’s important to understand the role of family history in addiction, not to blame or point the finger but for your own recovery and your family’s future.

We ask all appropriate parties to agree to participate in the family treatment program by completing the following questionnaire.

Below you will find a series of questions as a guide. What I am specifically interested in is how you felt as results of your family member’s addiction/alcoholism and subsequent behaviors, whether expressed previously or not. Even though some of the questions might bring about uncomfortable feelings, please write them down anyway. The reason I am asking you to do this is that your feedback is valuable and could help them heal.

For example: “When you did that…, I felt like this … “. Be honest and open and avoid trying to think how your response will affect family member. Your family member needs to know the pain and damage they caused whilst in order to see the need for change, this is how addiction family therapy works.

How has your family member’s addiction affected you? Give specific examples of events that happened and describe how they made you feel at the time and now. For example, think about instances of:

1. Not telling the truth

2. Not keeping their promises

3. When their addiction caused you problems

4. Borrowing/misuse/stealing of money

5. Ignoring you, or your advice or showed disrespect